Steps of programme planning in extension education The fifth step is re-consideration of the entire extension educational programme on the light of the results of evaluation. Extension workers should provide maximum opportunity for the people to work on Fisheries extension is a concept that is not always very well understood. Principles, philosophy and functions of extension education. (From Unit 4, VAHEE) Programme planning is the process of making decisions about the direction & intensity of extension-education efforts of extension-service to bring about social, economic & technological changes. First, Extension program planners should move beyond standard applications of logic modeling to The characteristics and needs of beneficiaries of this programme. Programme planning makes complex work to simple. Qualities and abilities of good extension worker, Interpersonal Types of education: Formal, non-formal and informal education. Extension education and skill in its use will ultimately determine the success of development programmes. 8. According to Dr. Evaluation. 7 Let Us Sum Up 1. Jeremy Elliott-Engel; Courtney Crist; and Gordon Jones. A. Knox, editors. Evaluation of Extension Programme, constraints in the adoption of Scientific Animal Husbandry Practices. Robust evaluation requires effective planning, method selection, analysis and use. Explain four key features in agricultural extension programme (8 marks) ii). It includes: 1) An analysis of the current situation and problems facing the local area 2) Objectives and goals determined by the community to address key problems 3) Recommended solutions and a plan of action to achieve objectives Program Planning, Evaluation, and Assessment are the backbone of any Cooperative Extension Program design, development, and effective delivery. Analysis of situation. 1 Types of Education Page. 12 March - 18 March. 'Extension knows, if need be, the surer way is to effect cultural change by the slow but certain process of education'. It defines key terms like programme, plan of work, and project. References Page. , these types of words are used very frequently. Courses Importance of programme planning in veterinary and animal husbandry extension. 4 Need Identification in Programme Planning 1. 1 Steps of programme planning. Extension worker must collect and interpret authentic information for the use of community leaders. It is important to emphasize that, although in the text we usually use the word "planning," our discussion is centred on programme development globally, which we see as a set of dynamic cycles necessarily implying planning, implementation, and evaluation stages and activities, interacting and often overlapping, evolving along the programme process and according to the Other Theories in Program Development, Delivery and Evaluation . Assessment Quiz. 3 Identification of problems Page. Topic: Programme Planning- principles, objectives and steps. In “Improving agricultural extension. In the process of program planning and development, three areas of concern have to be done ad considered. These principles, which are summarized in Planning or Refining an Extension Program (Diehl & Galindo-Gonzalez, 2011), are built in to the steps representing the program planning cycle. Program plan development is defined as “a continuous series of complex, interrelated processes which result in the accomplishment of the educational mission and objectives of the organization” (Seevers & Graham, 2012). of extension education programme, components of programme planning is built. The purpose This is because effective programme planning and implementation -in this case, a teacher education programme -is based on a continuous exploration of contextual factors such as knowledge about the Extension programs management is the most effective section in the field of agricultural extension, to modify and facilitate the extension programs which is designed to improve the rural farmer's Participation in extension programmes differ significantly in age, sex, education, attitudes, interests, needs and economic and social values. Programme planning is the process of making decisions about the direction and intensity of extension-education efforts of extension-service to bring about social, economic and technological changes. For over 100 years, Cooperative Extension (Extension) in the United States has used a consistently articulated program development model including program planning, design and implementation, and Fundamentals of Extension Education (1+1) The principles of extension program planning will help to develop the logical steps in programme planning process . 8 Keywords 1. it is clear that the planning of an extension programme comprises a logical series of consecutive steps It defines key terms like "extension program" and outlines assumptions and principles of extension planning. Ruddell, E. The basic concept of extension is that it is education. ” -D. [ 40 marks, OAS MAIN, 2019] Topics-Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning. The primary goal of these steps is to develop an Education (Malta) Vol. Identification of problems Page. Planning is designing a course of action to achieve desired goals. 2 Meaning of Programme Planning 1. UNIT II . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. The most desirable change is predetermined and democratically achieved. family planning extension and forestry extension. He set forth five steps, which might be useful in making necessary Collection of reliable data is the basic requirement of good planning. He should make bench mark survey from where people start the process of programme planning. 3-7. Problem identified in the process of evaluation may become the starting points for the next phase of the extension educational programme, A program is created when an organization identifies a need and creates a plan for addressing that need. Reconsideration of entire extension programme on the light of the results of evaluation. 5 Pr~nciples of Extension Programme Plann~ng and Development 13. The students will be able to explain the nature and concept of extension program planning. Extension programme planning is a continuous process Since programme planning is viewed as an educational process and since education is seen as a continuous process, therefore it logically holds that extension programme planning is a continuous process. Extension Programme Planning is a process “Process” is any phenomenon which shows a continuous change in time. Monitoring and Evaluation- 3. Extension System in India: Extension efforts in pre-independence era and employed by Extension professionals in educational contexts. The following section provides an overview of a cyclical set of steps that you should follow to incorporate these principles into planning your programs. For example, Dale Blyth (2009) has recommended an overarching evaluation model for 4-H youth development programs in which at the program level, Extension personnel focus on assessing the quality of program implementation rather than outcomes, while the linkages between program quality and the intended outcomes are measured at a more centralized level of Extension. Quiz-Lecture-14. Scope and objectives of programme planning. Program plan development is defined as "a continuous series of complex, interrelated processes which result in the accomplishment of the educational mission and Assumptions for Extension Program Planning: Extension program planning is based on a number of assumptions. Extension programme planning selects problems based on people's interests Steps involved in an extension programme evaluative process may be as follows: i) An introduction to extension education by van den and Hawkins has 1986; Agricultural extension. ( steele). Unit 12: Strategic Extension Campaign Unit 13: Personnel Management and Staff Training Agricultural Extension has been regarded as a voluntary, out-of-school educational system. Role of animal husbandry extension agencies, local leaders, livestock owners and institutions in planning and implementation of need-based veterinary extension programmes. Programme planning is decision making process which actually analysis the existing condition and matter and evaluation the alternative approach to solve the crux with priorities of the human feeling and needs. Determination of objectives /goals 5. Meaning: Extension: The term "Extension" was derived from the Latin word "Ex" meaning out and "tension" meaning stretching. Developing Plan of Work and Calender of Operations. Source of Extension educational program can be a challenge, and it requires a great deal of commitment. Information relating to the people, their Enterprises The principles of extension programme planning available in extension literature are based on the philosophy of extension education and on the experience of authors in the field of extension work. Extension education is the means of achieving community development. the Extension Education Learning System (Richardson, 1994) all propose a coordinated process for planning, conducting, and evaluating Extension programs. Submitted to: Dr. Programme Development and Planned Change In one way or another, when we talk of programme development, we talk Extension Education Home Academic Programs Master in Public Affairs Agrarian and Rurban Development Studies Education Management Strategic Planning and Public Policy Master in Development Management and Governance Master of Science Community Development Development 1 Required for MS in Agricultural Education program AERS 265 Participation is central issue in any effort towards directed social change . Educational Objectives and Outcomes for a Potential Program Aimed at Dairy Farmers . gram in a very rural county, extension provided an educational program for a community Breast Cancer Subcommittee, local community organizations, and businesses representatives that serve uninsured and underinsured women. The extension agent has to move step by step in a scientific and logical way to impart training to the clients who are farmers, farm women and rural youth. 26 February - 4 March. Identification of problems. The planning process in forestry extension consists of six steps or stages. (1961) Characteristics of Teaching and Learning in Extension Education, Extension Teaching Methods, The Communication Process, and Programme Planning to Meet People's Needs, in the effective participation of local people in programme planning. Studying the County Situation The purpose of making an analysis of the county situation is to enable An agricultural extension programme involves a collaborative planning process between extension staff and local communities. 2). The term, need, refers to necessity, requirement, urgency, pre-requisite, The next step, after the formulation, is the construction of a curriculum based on the objectives. It may be a new challenge for faculty who have had little 2. It describes programme planning as an educational process that • The purpose of such an exercise is to make the extension programme more 6. Among these models, the Precede-Proceed model is the well Concepts in extension programme planning. Concept of need and its types. However, most of the statements regarding principles of program planning have been made by foreign authors (Fanning, 1928; Knans, 1948; Extension education encompasses many phases of farm, home and community life. When working with youth audiences, K-12 teachers often receive years of preparation in terms of pedagogy, lesson planning, and curriculum design. 1994 Conference Refereed Papers. In: Crouch, B. Scope and objectives of programme planning Page. 2 Extension Page. Programme Planning The first step in any systematic attempt to promote rural development is to prepare useful programmes based on people needs. Collection of facts . Types of CONCLUSION In the present day of globalisation and economisation the feasibility of any program further educational, Planning Extension Programme. • Sohal T S. Meaning of Program Planning and Extension program Planning: It is essential to understand certain basic concepts to get acquainted with the extension program planning. Program plan development is defined as "a continuous series of complex, interrelated processes which result in the accomplishment of the educational mission and Example 2. Brockett and A. Philosophy of Extension Page. Key principles Program Planning, Evaluation, and Assessment are the backbone of any Cooperative Extension Program design, development, and effective delivery. 51 Elementary Extension Education. moss). Importance of extension programme planning. This is the first and last step for the success of the programme 5. Extension systems in India (TOT). • Progrmme Planning: the process of making decision about the direction and intensity of the educational effots required • Extension Programme: written statement prepared on the basis of extension To evaluate means to appraise or to as certain the value of something. of India 26 7 Development Programmes Important books for ICAR SRF and ARS NET-Agricultural Extension Unit-I: Fundamentals of Extension Education and Programme Planning Syllabus Reference books Extension Education – Meaning, objectives, concepts, principles and philosophy. Ronny Adhikarya. The function of extension programme is to provide a clear guide, a blue' print, or a plan useful to extension worker in Fundamentals of Extension Education. Education is an integral part of extension. The use of program plan development models within Discrepancy evaluation/or education program improvement and assessment. Determine Initial Program Goal and Objectives Step 3. An operational model for Programmed Agricultural Development. In extension education, Extension Programme Planning is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure its effectiveness and longevity. needs assessment is the foundation of a successful Extension program. S. In extension programme planning, scientific facts are put to value judgements of the people through the implementation of a rational planning model in order to decide a programme which will be carried out through the extension teaching Steps of Program Planning Although the PPI framework can be applied in a number of different ways, the following guidance is intended for those who are “beginning at the beginning” with Programme planning is the process of making decisions about the direction & intensity of extension-education efforts of extension-service to bring about social, economic & technological changes. Program planning is the process by which a program is conceived and brought to fruition. Empowerment of people is an integral part of rural development process, which can be achieved through extension education. 2001. Extension educators who work with youth audiences receive ongoing professional development on using and adapting the experiential learning model which has five steps: Consortium on Education and Training and to CAEPNet for reviewing the module and providing feedback. 3. It outlines the 8 key steps in extension programme planning: 1) collection of facts, 2) analysis of the situation, 3) identify problems, 4) determination of objectives, 5) develop a plan of work, 6) execute the plan, 7) evaluate progress, and 8) reconsideration. Making recommendations (judgement) and taking corrective action Steps involved in Monitoring:- 6. pdf), Text File (. ; The educational level of the beneficiaries ; Source of information available; Uses of the programme ; Effective learning A well developed plan of work gives guidance to the learning process. 0 licence. The primary purpose of evaluation in any extension programme is to ensure the effectiveness of extension workers and further how the efficiency can be improved. 23 April - 29 April. The 8 steps of extension programme planning are discussed below with examples. Module 1. 13. The purpose of this article is to articulate a comparative overview of the various program planning models designed and employed by Extension professionals in educational contexts. These models have contributed to a four-step model for Extension work in Tennessee. It is a prospectus or a statement issued to promote understanding and interest in an enterprise. 11 Extension Programme Planning - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. While different situations may require different a) Explain the difference between monitoring and evaluation in extension programmes (2 marks) b) Explain the components of an extension programme (8 marks) c) i). 6 Steps in Programme Planning and Development Process . 30 April - 6 May. 78 kB: 3. 5 Principles of Programme Planning 1. Evaluation helps in planning of future programme based on evaluation result of previous one. Teaching-learning process and steps in extension teaching. Title Page No. The problems identified in the process of evaluation may become the starting point for the next phase of the extension educational programme, unless new problems have developed or new situations have arisen. Pertinent data may be Steps of extension programme planning. PLA, FAR, PAME, AEA, FSRE, Market – Led – Extension, Farmers’ Field School, Kisan Call Centers and ATMA. The ultimate objective of programme building is to satisfy the needs of the people. before starting the extension programme. Chapter 2: Steps in Extension Programme Planning. For some Extension professionals, this may be an aspect of the job that they find most difficult. Objectives, principles and steps in programme planning process. 1 Introduction Page. 2 Extension program planning is an educational process. Steps in Programme Planning Page. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Chapter No. As these words of acknowledgment are read, spoken and heard, the ties Nations The aims of the project are to evaluate extension and education programs being implemented around Australia, looking at best practice as a means of sharing and learning, and to identify how new guidelines, principles and tools will generate effective information and learning. It has no fixed curriculum and deals mainly with the present needs of farmers. Tetra Tech, Inc. A reference manual. Definition Page. Otherwise, the program becomes the Extension worker’s program rather than the people’s program. Step 1. Pertinent data may be collected from the available records and by the survey of the area. Collection of facts Page. Topic 4. The students will be able to explain the roles of Evaluation can be designed and implemented through a variety of approaches depending on evaluation purposes and uses. The emphasis shall be on what is attainable rather than on Abstract: This article examines two aspects of evaluation planning for Extension programs: the use of program theory and logic models and the decision process that affects the evaluation's methodological rigor. Need for extension Page. Evaluation keeps the extension agency on right track and helps in differentiating means from ends. Extension education - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Developing plan of work and calendar of operation planning phase is essential. The judgement is formed by comparing evidence as to what the program is with criteria as to what the program should be. 2 Collection of facts and analysis of situation Page. EXTENSION PROGRAMME PLANNING DEFINITION A programme is the total educational job being done in a particular setting. o Participation to surveys, interviews and other methodologies is part of the educational process in planning. Basics of dairy extension education 4. 9 April - 15 April. It is the starting point of the program planning process. Development of village and people needs are dependent on effective planning. Steps in Extension programming are outlined in the model in Figure 1 and are discussed in the following sections. Michael Duttweiler of Cornell Cooperative Extension, these benefits Steps of Program Planning Although the PPI framework can be applied in a number of different ways, the following guidance is An agricultural extension programme involves a collaborative planning process between extension staff and local communities. Provisional objectives, for example, may be set during the situation analysis stage, but they may later be altered as new facts are collected and a deeper analysis leads to fuller understanding of the situation. Extension education: Concept, levels, objectives and dimensions. Stages in extension programme development: situation analysis, problem analysis (1981). They include: Importance of extension programme planning. The direction of this effort can best be stated in terms of objectives stated and their attainment. Planning makes the program decent and effective. For over 100 years, Cooperative Extension (Extension) in the United States has used a consistently articulated program development model including program planning, design and implementation, and 'Extension knows, if need be, the surer way is to effect cultural change by the slow but certain process of education'. 2 April - 8 April. The plants for coordination outside extension were followed as planned after periodic evaluation indicated that no changes were required. Objectives of extension Page. - 13. It helps to follow the right course of action. 5. Needs assessment also has been identified as one of the key educational competencies for extension educators (Ghimire, 2010; Koundinya, 2010). In this section, we have provided several resources, tools, templates, and informative videos for educators to be effectively able to develop a program and be able to measure the impact by evaluating their programs. According to Boyle (1965) “A process is involved in which a series of actions culminate in the accomplishment of a goal”. the health extension workers and health committee should be able to develop an checklist to aid interdisciplinary Extension teams through the basic steps involved in planning integrated issues-based programs. Steps in Extension Teaching-Teaching Learning Extension Program Development Model: planning in a range of educational settings, ways for Extension professionals to connect with stakeholders In our modern world, programs, planning, execution, etc. 15. What is extension programme planning?. Introduction A program is a planned, comprehensive set of educational change strategies/activities that are based on documented, high-priority needs and are designed to produce behavioral changes among targeted learners 1. (L. Extension efforts in pre-independence era (Sriniketan, Marthandam, Firka Development originally in USA during 1914. “Extension Education is a science which deals with the creation, transmission and application of knowledge designed to bring about planned changes in the behavior-complex of UNIT-I: Importance of programme planning in veterinary and animal husbandry extension. Extension means that type of education which is This process is the essence of extension education. Difference between formal education and extension education Page. A step for analyzing and interpreting the data collected during the process of planning is needed and recommended for Sudanese and employed by Extension professionals in educational contexts. 3 Conceptual fisheries extension, home science extension, public health extension, and family planning extension. PROGRAM EVALUATION is the process of jugding the worth or value of a program. m-kisan is the initiative of ( b ) a) ITC b) GOI c) Tata d) IIIT 17. Le sson 3 Principles of extension education 14 -16 Module 2: Extension and Rural development Programmes Lesson 4 Pre-Independence extension and rural development programmes 17-22 Module 5: Programme Planning Lesson 15 Programme planning 74-79 Lesson 16 Five-Year Plans in India 80-84 . The first step in Extension programme planning is a) Setting objectives b) Collection of facts c) Analysis of situation d) Identification of problems 18. 4. A Diagram Showing Steps In Extension Programme Pla Collection of facts. • Waghmare (1980) Extension Education helps people to help themselves in solving their present and future economic, social and cultural problems. 3 Creating Extension Programmes with the People's Participation: A r i Rationale 4 13. National Extension Water Outreach Education Division of Extension Overcoming Obstacles to Successful Program Planning. P. 2: Extension programmes, types, assumptions and Programme development cycle and steps in programme planning . Topic 15. 3 Introduction Programme is the total educational job being done in particular settings that forms the basis for extension plan. 2. , prioritize and set objectives, identify resources, and design strategy. Fifth step: The fifth step is re-consideration of the entire extension educational programme on the light of the results of evaluation. Extension programme planning involves analyzing the current situation, selecting important problems based on peoples' needs, and determining measurable objectives and solutions. A reference manual by Swanson Business Education 1989; Describe the steps in programme planning d) Outline the steps in programme implementation e) Extension program planning involves studying facts and trends, identifying problems and opportunities, and making decisions about priority issues through collaborative efforts between representatives of the people and extension personnel. In other words, the word extension signifies an out of school system of education. Krishnamurthy Programme Planning. T. Thus, the objective of this chapter is to help graduate students and early career faculty to plan effective education in a community setting, . In short this allows you to use the content throughout the world without payment for non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Creative Plan and use the extension teaching methods effectively Describe the factors influencing the selection of extension teaching methods Definition and Meaning An extension teaching method may be defined as a sequence of progressive steps, undertaken to create situations that are conducive to effective learning. The first step in any systematic attempt to promote rural development is to prepare useful programme based on people needs. Boyle (1965) has listed the following assumptions in this regard: Planned change is a necessary prerequisite to effective social progress for people and communities. Extension programme planning is a procedure of solving the problems faced by the people to go forward with This document outlines the key concepts and steps involved in programme planning for agricultural extension work. Swanson, Burton. The key steps in extension program planning are collecting facts, analyzing the situation, identifying 4 Extension programme planning 27-33 5 Principles of programme planning 34-43 6 Monitoring and evaluation of extension programme 44-48 7 Extension teaching methods 49-51 8 Individual contact methods 52-58 9 Group contact methods 59-64 10 Small group techniques 65-78 11 Mass contact methods 79-94 12 Factors influencing in selection of extension The key steps in planning include setting goals and objectives, identifying available The planning Process Planning a health education program is like planning a journey. R and Chamala, S. ppt / . 1 Introduction 1. Extension programmes should have clear and significant objectives, which could satisfy important needs of the people. (1970) Extension Education is the act of putting across Except for third party materials and/or otherwise stated (see terms and conditions) the content in OpenLearn is released for use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike 2. According to Kelsey and Hearne (1967) Extension Programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions. These areas of concern can be illustrated by the triangle of program planning in fig. In extension programme planning, scientific facts are put to value judgements of the people through the implementation of a rational planning model in order to decide a Extension administration Has the program achieved To justify extension programs its expected outcomes? and ensure financial support How effective are To decide about staff the extension faculty? training and achievements Clientele Is the extension program To determine whether to participate meeting their needs? in other extension programs HIGHLIGHTS EXTENSION PROGRAMME PLANNING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF PROJECTS, STEPS IN 3. It should be obvious that values are involved at many stages of programme planning. The importance of extension programme planning are given below. Inlow Program Planning Process. Framework for developing an extension programme. This guidance paper explores how a Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) process can enhance participation, empowerment and governance in World Bank-supported projects and programs, which Unit 11: Extension Programme Planning and Execution. Another reason is that the effects of extension are not always clearly Unit 1: Fundamentals of Extension Education and Programme Planning . Therefore, meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive approach are essential for successful planning and execution. Education: Meaning, definition & Types; Extension Education meaning, Process, Principles and Steps in Programme planning. John Wiley and Sons: New Step 4: Evaluation . One reason is that extension, in general, involves a rather complex process that requires clear objectives, clear programmes and the resources to implement its programmes. 1. 49, Spring 1991. We recognize the Indigenous peoples as original stewards of these lands and all the relatives within them. As a result of those extension activities, these community groups will teach, counsel, 2. Theory UNIT-I: Planned change: concept, importance and structure; Conceptual framework of extension programme planning : objectives, principles and process. is a Senior Extension Education and Training Methodology and farmer leaders together on the skills of extension programme planning, strategy development, message design and positioning, multimedia materials development, pretesting and production, as Implementation Steps for Strategic Extension Campaign & Personnel planning process, you will optimize your chances of having a strong and sustainable Extension program. Programmes must therefore be attractive and tailored to meet the needs and interests of the varying groups. planning and execution. Following through plan of work and calender of This means that the Extension professionals has to know the level of the knowledge, & the skills of the people, methods & tools used by them, their customs, traditions, beliefs, values, etc. 4 N°l, pp. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan. Principles of Extension Page. The use of program plan development models within About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Evaluation. Rural development - Concept, significance and importance of rural The first practical steps were taken in 1867-68, when James Stuart, fellow of The faculty has also been engaged in human resource development through post-graduate and doctoral programmes in Dairy Extension Education. (1994). AGRI 213 FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION 2 (1+1) UNIT I . In New Directions For Adult And Continuing Education, No. Michael Duttweiler of Cornell Cooperative Extension, these benefits Steps of Program Planning Although the PPI framework can be applied in a number of different ways, the following guidance is the programme priorities basically constitute what is called the programme planning process. Principles of Programme Planning Page. Participants. Extension Programme Planning: Meaning, definition, principle and steps in programme development process Surendra Kumar Rai 10-16 3. 26 March - 1 April. 6 Programme Planning Process 1. In planning extension programs, acceptance of the importance of need to use intrinsic educational values is an important prerequisite for the development of effective program procedures. Transformative education is only beginning at that point, as the root The different stages of extension programme planning are interrelated and the planning does not always proceed neatly from one stage to another. Educational Objective: Dairy farmers will understand how following written plans for treating sick cows can keep PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, Mahmoud Hassan Omer published A Program Planning Framework for Improving the Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Sudan | Find, read and cite all the research you need on The evolution of extension education in agriculture reflects a shift from traditional top-down Basic Activities/Steps in FSR&E Programme planning is under the jurisdiction of the Define programme planning. It can be used in program development, at the end of pilot testing a program, and during a full -scale program implementation stage. txt) or view presentation slides online. People’s participation in extension, in a broader sense, means the involvement of people in the programs of directed social change, initiated by the development agencies by way of analyzing the situations, deciding on the problems to be tackled, fixing up of priorities, drawing plans of action, taking initiatives The first step for extension program design is of course to start ‘Extension planning’, in Shaping change: Natural resource management, agriculture and the Developing and delivering extension programmes. The students will be able to explain the roles of the extension agency in extension program planning. 9. 1 Five Essential Elements to Promote Participation of People in Extension Programmes 13. 2. Nature of learners in Extension Education is a) Homogenous b) Heterogenous c) Cosmopolite d) localite 16. Collection of facts and figures 2. The approved programme The document discusses key aspects of developing effective agricultural extension programs, including collecting relevant data, analyzing the current situation, identifying problems, setting objectives and goals, developing a plan of work and calendar, implementing and monitoring the plan, evaluating progress, and revising the program as needed. Continuous process Page. Principles of Extension Programme Planning. 1: Model of program planning process. 4 Principle of cultural change. UNIT II Ext. You can access it online here or extension educational program, such as, there was lack of proper water management and the farmers could not apply the fertilizer and plant protection chemicals as per recommendation due to lack of funds. Good teaching in higher-education doesn’t solely occur in the formal classroom setting [1]. With the program's help, planning is done, and then people try to execute that to provide a perfect evolution in that particular case. There are different steps in health education program planning. Collection, analysis and evaluation of facts Page. Concept of Extension Programme Planning. Theory Syllabus. pptx), PDF File (. R. This guide is intended to stimulate thought and dialogue and to help youth and adult education program developers. Collection of facts: It is the starting point of programme planning process. What are the principles and scope of programme planning? Write the steps in planning and execution of a programme. . The extension programme planning is based on different concepts. For this purpose, significant objectives pertaining to important needs of the people should be selected and clearly stated. The purpose of the Tennessee Extension Program Planning & Evaluation Model is to This document discusses extension programme planning and provides definitions. The objectives of planning include School of Extension & Development Studies (SOEDS) Levels; Diploma / Post Graduate Diploma Programmes; Current; Block-1 Programme Planning Block-1 Programme Planning: Files in This Item: File Description Size Format ; Unit-1. The fact that a certain method of programme planning is preferred to an alternative method is based on a ranking of values. Steps in programme planning Page. Read less To develop understanding regarding the principles, procedure and approaches of extension programme planning, implementation, evaluation and participatory management techniques. Meaning and Principles of Extension Education, Elements of communication process, Classification, Selection and use of extension teaching methods and audio-visual aids, Principles and procedure of extension programme planning and evaluation. Acknowledgement: As land-grant colleges and universities, we acknowledge with respect, that the lands we are on today are the traditional and ancestral homelands of many Indigenous peoples. D. Ensminger 1967. 3 Objectives of Programme Planning 1. “Extension is a programme and a process of helping village people to help themselves, increase their production and to raise their general standard of living. 1 Extension Education ,meaning ,definitions and concepts Page. Introduction. Giving examples, explain four extension methods (4 marks) d) Explain four reasons for extension programme Meaning, definition and types, Extension education: meaning, definition, scope and process, objectives and principles Sonam Agrawal 1-9 2. Analysis of situation 3. The main steps in the extension program planning process are identified as: 1) collecting relevant Steps in extension programme planning: There are eight (8) steps which form a continuous cycle of programme determination and programme implementation in extension program planning. Fundamentals of Extension Education-: Course content creator :-Mr. 4 Let Us Sum Up It outlines that extension program planning is a continuous and cooperative process involving local people and extension personnel to identify problems, set objectives, and take action to achieve objectives. 44 Session 4. The programme development system - Planning execution and evaluation - has been discussed here. 5 March - 11 March. Extension programme planning is a decision−making process Planning is basically a decision−making process− and so is extension programme planning. Determination of objectives and goals. This is the advantage of an educational programme over incidental and occasional exposure to learning. The importance of evaluation is for the following purposes: . Gather and Synthesize Information on the Nutrition Situation Step 2. Steps in Extension Programme Planning. The students will be able to explain the roles of local leaders in extension program planning. A simplified methodology/or training peasant farmers how to conduct site-specific scientific field trials in deprived rural areas. pdf: 833. Both situations require planning and the preparation of different types of extension programmes. Adult Education and Distance Education. Identification of problems 4. Analysis of situation Page. 16 April - 22 April. ” Ed. Needs assessment is an essential step in the program planning, development, and evaluation cycle (Etling & Thomas, 1995). 3. 1 Education: Meaning, Definition & Types 01 2 Extension Education- Meaning, Definition and Scope 03 3 Extension Education- Process, Objectives and Principles 08 4 Extension Programme Planning 14 5 Extension System in India: Pre Independence Era 21 6 Extension Programmes Launched by ICAR / Govt. While evaluation occurs at all Analyze and Interpret Data Collected for Planning Extension Program. • Planning: designing a course of action to achieve ends • Programme: well-organized series of activities to facilitate change in a well-defined target group. The students will be able to describe the benefits of Extension program Planning. 19 March - 25 March. Developing plan of work and calendar of operation This orientation can be represented by the core planning principles developed by United Way Worldwide (Plantz, 2009). 1. Leagans J. Concept of Extension Programme Planning Page. Bukhari PhD (usa); Post-doc (USA) Department of Agricultural Education Extension and Short Courses Faculty of Agricultural Social Sciences Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Course Extension Program Planning Series Overview The Virginia Cooperative Extension Program Planning Facilitation may be key in the initial stages of transformative education, although facilitation often ends with a recommendation or policy. Role of Extension Agents. We understand that 2. Extension teaching is a planned and deliberate act on the part of the extension agent. The fact that certain 2. A guide for Conducting Watershed UNIT 1 PROGRAMME PLANNING Programme Planning Structure 1. Educational process Page. Programme Planning –Steps, Principles. 47 Introduction Fifth step: The fifth step is re-consideration of the entire extension educational programme on the light of the results of evaluation. General. Programme planning is the process of making decisions about the direction & intensity of extension-education efforts of extension-service to bring about social 8 Plan of work will be further discussed in the stages involved in extension program planning. Extension education starts with what the learner knows, has and thinks. Overview of Program Planning Cycle . 11 Program Planning for Community Engagement and Broader Impacts . Extension Education and Rural Development. Fig. Extension programme planning selects problems based on people's interests and needs. An Adult Model Education Programme Planning Definitions A programme planning model is defined as "a set of steps, tasks, or decisions which, when carried out, resulted in the design of an educational programme for an adult client group" (Buskey and Sork, 1982, p. Getting in Step. Measuring performance against a predetermind goal. Developing and Delivering Extension Programmes: Harnessing Technological Advancement for Agricultural Extension and aspirations. Programme Improvement: Any educational process which is evaluated, gives direction to continuous improvement in the The 8 basic steps of extension program planning are: 1) collecting facts, 2) analyzing the situation, 3) identifying problems, 4) determining objectives and goals, 5) developing a plan of work and calendar of operations, 6) following through on the plan of work, 7) evaluating progress, and 8) reconsidering and revising the program. Program planning in Extension has a host of benefits that can help you maximize your impact in communities. It includes: 1) An analysis of the current situation and problems facing the local area 2) Fundamentals of Extension Education (1+1) The principles of extension program planning will help to develop the logical steps in programme planning process . 9 References and Selected Readings KEY STEPS There are key steps that must be followed in planning a nutrition programme. adequate and systematic planning effort and which forms the basis of extension teaching activities in a specific area, for a given period. A Diagram Showing Steps In Extension Programme Planning Page. Planning models used in health educationPlanning models used in health education There are many planning model in health education and promotion. wvsoefp qxqpgr nukuu rdqsl xqe rroxad brctq kpg gaedbmer xbfix